March 2/08 – Ann and I cleaned up the house. We had Auntie Sophie & Uncle Bob up for lunch. We had a great visit and caught up with each others lives. Later, I took Ann to work and I went to Willie & Jane’s place and also to Victor & Jane’s place. I brought them maps for the Camosun College Restaurant. Today, I’m feeling good; not tired.
March 3/08 – It’s a relaxing day.
March 4/08 – I did my weekly blood test, first thing in the morning. Later, I went fishing at Prospect Lake with Jim Lewis. Beautiful day, but cold. Relaxing day.
March 5/08 – I got up early to take Ann to the dentist. I went grocery shopping while she was there. Met up with Rod Stevens and chatted over coffee. Later, more shopping, this time for Mindy Cat. I went home to rest as I had a close up magic show to do at the Victoria Conference Centre, in the evening. The show was well received and I didn’t feel tired.
March 6/08 – Relaxing day. I did a “walking workout” with Ann in the morning (to a DVD). In the evening, I went to the Gardners (in Sidney) to ‘jam’ with our guitars. Not tired.
March 7/08 – I woke up being a little tender. I did a walking workout with Ann in the morning (to a DVD). In the afternoon, I helped guide my good friend Ray Roch (driving a bus for the Shriners) up to Saanichton. Relaxing day… and then we had Rick Cordick up for supper (LOL). A little tired this evening.
March 8/08 – Wow, I was really sore (tender) all over this morning. It was probably due to the DVD walking workout… I should never have let myself get outta’ shape this far (groan). Yes, I was tired. Ann and I went shopping in the afternoon.
March 9/08 – Basically a relaxing day. I got up early to enjoy the sunrise. We turned our clocks an hour, ahead. I went grocery shopping for our RVing trip. I went over to Case Emke’s to tighten down our campout at Weir’s Beach. I also showed him some of my ‘cooking tools’… my Jumbo Cooker and pot. Later in the afternoon, I picked up Ann from work and in the evening we went to Doug & Holly Poruchny’s for a gourmet supper. Wow, what a meal and no problem with my appetite!
March 10/08 – We got up and did our morning exercise to the “Walking DVD”. I’m starting to get use to the routine. I had to go downtown to do some banking and setting up the stage and magic props at Fountain Restaurant. In the evening, Ann and I entertained for a Seniors Tour. Later, we came home, unpacked our magic equipment and stage. I went to fuel up the truck for tomorrow’s campout.
March 11/08 – I went to get my weekly blood tests done. Later I had an appointment with my radiation specialist Dr. S. Larrson. He seemed quite pleased with my Merkel Cell Skin Cancer being under control. He was concerned with enlarged Lymph Nodes, near my neck and under my left arm. We picked up mom and we had lunch at our place. Later, we packed up our rig and headed to Weir’s Beach. Our RV site #53 is right on the ocean front. The view is magnificent. It was terrific to see such a good turnout with
March 12/08 – I got up early. Later in the morning, I had an appointment with my Hematologist Dr. Yee. He also checked out my Lymph Nodes. He will consult with Dr. Larrson re: this matter. It seems they will send me to Dr. Kenny, the Dermatologist to get a biopsy done. I did some chores at home, then drove up to Nanaimo to perform a close up magic show at the Port Theatre. After the show, I drove back home, then to Weir’s Beach to catch up with the Victoria Wanderers.
March 13/08 – I had a very relaxing morning. I also had a Chemo session scheduled for 1:00pm. Unfortunately, due to new nurses, I didn’t get the treatment until 2:35pm. I got back to the RV site at 6:00pm. We had some supper, then went to the clubhouse. We had a very relaxing evening. I went to bed by 11:30pm. Amazingly, I didn’t feel tired at all.
March 14/08 – I got up early and started packing down our rig. We had a successful campout. We left the campground at 10:45am and we got home around 11:20am. Ann made lunch. Right after lunch, we drove mom home and went shopping. Upon getting home, I rushed down to see Dave Cutler to get some souvenirs shirts and I delivered to Don Strugnell to bring to Vancouver. Unbeknown to me, he’s not going until next week (groan). We had a light supper and I took Ann to work. I was on laundry duty and cleaning up the house. I wasn’t tired or sleepy today.
March 15/08 – I got up early this morning. I’m taking it easy, today. I have a magic show to perform tonight for the Bantam AAA Hockey Association (Bear Mountain Arena). The show was well received. Later, we went for a snack at Fountain Restaurant, grocery shopped, and Starbucks. Not tired.
March 16/08 – I had a very lazy day today. Not really tired, just lazy. Did the usual Sunday chores…
March 17/08 – Happy St. Paddy’s Day! I made some breaky for Ann and I. Cleaned up. I received a call from Dr. Hayashi (surgeon) to set up an appointment to remove a couple of lymph nodes. I got another call from my GP Dr. Houston, to get a pre-op done. Later went to the bank. Went to Chinatown to shop. I bought some groceries from Save-On. I went home to prepare supper. I took Ann to her quilt meeting. I relaxed at home. Not tired.
March 18/08 – I was up early. Had to get blood tests done. Later, I got changed and went to speak at the Cordova Bay 55+ gathering. Harumph, I’m thinking… these are old people, then I realized I’m older than some of them (LOL). At 3:00pm, I had a pre-op check up with Dr. Houston, my GP. Dr. Houston gave me some high blood pressure pills. In the evening, I took Ann to work and I stayed home to do the dishes and laundry. I practiced on my guitar. It was a relaxing evening.

March 19/08 – I got up early but I had a relaxing morning. I picked up mom at 3:00pm. We went to dinner at the Camosun College Restaurant with Willie & Jane, Victor & Jane. It was a delightful meal.
March 20/08 – I had a relaxing day. We went to Victor & Jane’s for an Easter Dinner. Awesome supper. Later in the evening, Ann and I performed a magic show for the Utah Grizzlies, at the Coast Harbourside Hotel (as arranged by Sid Kinsasewich).
March 21/08 – I was a little tired this morning (late night). I had a lazy day. In the afternoon, I cut and trimmed the lawn. We just relaxed in the evening. My blood pressure has gone down considerable and I’m feeling good.
March 22/08 – Again, I had a lazy morning. We cleaned up the house. Sid called and he had some fresh prawns for me… hmm, awesome! We had mom up to our place for supper… black bean sauce with prawns. Feeling good, not tired.
March 23/08 – Ann and I cleaned and vacuumed the house. Basically, it was a relaxing day. I tested my blood pressure 118/70. My two enlarged lymph nodes have gone from rock hard to mushy and soft, and have reduced in size.
March 24/08 – We finished cleaning the house. I took Ann to work. I went up to the airport to pick up Susan Robinson. Sue will be staying with us for a week. Not tired.
March 25/08 – I took Ann to work. Later did a blood test at VGH. I took Susan Robinson to get her medical work done. Bar-B-Qued some steaks for supper. Not tired.
March 26/08 – Made some breaky. I took Ann and Susan to Frabricland. We went downtown to do some banking. In the evening, Ann and I went to have supper with Rick Corcick and Steve Meridith at the Millstream Pub. Later, we went grocery shopping at Super Store. Relaxing day. Not tired.
March 27/08 – Took Ann to work. I took Susan to the Doctor and cleaned the house. I did some grocery shopping. It was a relaxing day, as I got ready for the “Jam” with the Gardners in the evening. We had salmon for supper. Good appetite. Not tired.
March 28/08 – Cleaned and vacuumed the house. Got supper prepared as the Ouseys were coming over for supper. I bar-b-qued steaks for dinner. Great evening. Not tired.
March 29/08 – Took Ann and Susan to the Quilt show at the Victoria Conference Centre. I went down to the Y to watch the boys play racquetball. I relaxed as I had a magic show to do in the evening. Not tired, but a little sore on my left shoulder.
March 30/08 – Got up early to make some breaky for Susan and I. Susan invited Ann and I and my mom to Crystal Jade Restaurant for lunch. Susan and I had a light supper as Ann had to work. We went to bed early as Susan will be leaving early tomorrow morning.
March 31/08 – Susan and I got up at 4:00am. I dropped Sue at the airport by 5:00am. When I got home … I went right back to bed, as Ann will be working the morning shift at Helmcken Food Market. I rested and relaxed for most of the day as I had a magic show to perform at the Fountain Restaurant for the Seniors Tour, that night.
So ends another chapter of being on the mend ...
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